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  • [es-pree de less-ka/-iay] (idiom) A witty remark that occurs to you too late, literally on the way down the stairs. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations defines esprit de l'escalier as, "An untranslatable phrase, the meaning of which is that one only thinks on one's way downstairs of the smart retort one might have made in the drawing room."


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May 21, 2007


From your title I thought you were going to talk about the ripple afghan phenomenon that has been spreading across the blogasphere...

Thanks for the shout out, friend. As soon as I finish my novel "How to Sleep Your Way Across LA in 365 Days" I will send you a copy of the manuscript. Please do the same with your sitcom treatment. ;)

Oh yes, for sure.

I'm thinking my sitcom will be like Friends and Ed, minus the coffeeshop and the bowling alley. Big city blue state girl moves home to mid-sized red state city for grad school. Mixes with old and new friends and tries to find love and a new life as she becomes an architect (much sexier field). There can be old flames and enemies to spice things up. The question is, who should play me on tv?

glad you're not planning on being busy or anything! my brain is so dead from a combination of overwork, upcoming time off, illness, home improvement, and apathy. I hope you get through your busy time with your brain functions relatively intact.

As long as there is some histrionic matron-type and some emo dude desperately trying to gain her affection by not doing anything to display his true feelings, any sitcom will do fine.

If According to Jim can last, then you should be able to write the next Seinfeld. This is supposed to be a complement, but it sucks as one.

You should go more Sex and the City like AG did for graduate school. Of course, AG did not become a journalist, a lawyer (not yet), a PR company owner or Ms. Harry Goldblatt (not yet...).

Whatever, we all know that AG is going for Miss Uncanny Canadian USA.

Chuckles, you are just jealous because you want UC all for yourself.

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